Thursday, August 26, 2010


So I am away with the kids in Quebec this week. So I can`t upload my pics for Embrace the Camera, but do know that I have some and will be sharing them as soon as possible. We have been having fun at the beach, on horses, at the Musée du Civilisation (which by the way I could have played dress-up all day at. Don`t worry lots of pics when I return), circus entertainers on the streets of Quebec City, as well as lots of really yummy food. I can`t believe vacay is almost over. I don`t want it to end the kids are having so much fun and McKayla is singing away in French! Tomorrow we are going to the the countryside where there is a waterfall and the kids can play in the water so that will be fun and we are also riding the horses again this time with saddles. My only worry McKayla is going to want a pony after this week!
I know this post is a bit of a tease, but don`t worry lots of great stuff next week when I get back!


  1. i hope you're having so much fun! it sounds like it!

  2. Sound fabulous. I'm holding you to your word, that you'll be sharing all those great photo's of the activities you describe enjoying! Have fun and enjoy every minute!!!

  3. I can't wait to see the pictures. You are a tease, but in a good way!!

