Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Embrace the Camera: September 02, 2010

So this week I have been spending hours downloading the 600 or so photos I took plus video plus trying to sort them out and edit them. I know sounds crazy, but I just kept taking photos of everything! So I quickly put this post together so that I would have it done for embrace the camera. This isn't from vacation, but it is from Monday we went to the Ex in Toronto. Ridiculous how expensive it was!!! The rides were almost 5 bucks a piece! I think that you have to go broke to have the kids really enjoy themselves, but hubby got free. This is a photo my hubby took after we nourished ourselves with a $4 hot dog and a $5.50 poutine. You can see my number one monkey in the back was too busy chasing away the birds to get in this photo with me, but that is okay he tends to be in most of my pictures anyway. There was the farm which Maddox loved, but I still think the farm we went to in Quebec was so much better. McKayla got to ride a horse again only this time it had pedals and didn't "neigh".



Once again Emily Anderson is where I get this wonderful idea of actually being in the photo you take of your kids. This vacation was a hard one being the only parent to try and put myself in situations where I could be in the photo too. Definitely a conscience effort. Thanks Emily!!


  1. HOW ADORABLE! What a great idea...the collage!

  2. you and your kids are so super sweet! kids love anyplace with animals, rides, and games, too bad it usually sucks your wallet dry..lol!

  3. Great pics! Looks like a FABULOUS time!

  4. love these photos :) looks like ya'll had a good time (even if it was a little pricey)...

    so glad you joined us again this week!
