Thursday, November 4, 2010

Embrace the Camera: November 4, 2010

So this week we have been lucky to have a guest in town with us. So time to blog hasn't been in the cards, but I had to squeeze in a photo with my boys. We got Toy Story 3 this week because my monkey is obsessed with Woody and Buzz. Need less to say he has been glued to the t.v. He keeps wanting to watch it and nap time, eating time, picking up his siblings, or going absolutely anywhere that doesn't have it on is terrible. He has been...well...moody today especially! So the first pic is him still glued to his Buzz trying to save the day again.

Marcus actually smiled for me. I think that just made my day! When you have a wet, cold day like today be sure to snuggle into your goodnesses (yes that is a word I just made up) and enjoy the evening.


  1. love it!! i missed today. dangit. i need an alarm for thursdays. i suck.

  2. you are beautiful and your kiddos are adorable! COGNRATS, you won the Inner Hooker Giveaway on Little Miss Momma!

    Email me to claim your prize:
    ashley {at}

  3. SWEET!!

    oh Hussy you don't suck! We all forget sometimes!
