Friday, August 31, 2012

Flashback Friday: McKayla's Baptism

Ok. You know I took a big break from blogging when I didn't even post about McKayla's baptism and she turns 9 in two months! Almost a year later here I am recording for history's sake.

In my church we get baptized at 8 which is the age of accountability. It's a pretty big deal and you have to even have a meeting with the Bishop about it just to be sure you know what's going on and what you are doing. McKayla was super excited and even a little scared of what was going to happen. She really didn't want to mess it up. Luckily we had a lot of help along the way and it went smoothly.

Bigger news was the fact that my big brother Lehi was flying in for just that one weekend so that he could be the one to baptize her. I was so happy and so thankful he could be here.

She wanted me to speak at her baptism, but I begged her to let me off the hook because I knew I wouldn't be able to pull it together and speak without bursting into tears and looking like a crazy lady. So she asked her Primary teacher and my best friend Kristi which believe it or not is like a second mom so it was perfect. They did a great job talking to McKayla about baptism and the Holy Ghost. They even gave her a copy so she could keep it. She has put it in her special box and still breaks it out to read every once in a while.

The baptism went smoothly and she was confirmed. She was absolutely glowing afterward and I couldn't believe my little girl was 8 and is baptized. I am so proud of her and the beautiful lady she is becoming. She has such a loving spirit and I am so blessed to have her in my life. She constantly reminds me of the things that I should be doing to be a better person. She inspires me to be the best mom so I can set I great example for her. Teaching her that we all make mistakes, but the plan is set forth that we can get up and correct those mistakes and learn from it is a blessing. I look forward to watching her grow and make those choices that will guide her and change her and mold her into the person she will become. Her light is shining bright and I know that she will continue to shine and bless others with it.

After her baptism everyone came together and had dinner. The love and support of friends and family is overwhelming and she felt so special that thy were all there for her. I hope she always remembers how special she is and that she knows that we love her unconditionally and that her Heavenly Father loves her and is there for her whenever she needs him.

I realize this is an unusual post, but I couldn't write about her baptism without sharing how I feel about her. Thanks for the flashback now I'm going to go give my girl a hug and a kiss and tell her how much she means to me. Who are you going to hug?

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